Pneumonia is a lung infection. It is usually caused by a virus or bacteria. These germs make the air sacs in the lungs fill with fluid (phlegm or mucous).
Pneumonia is spread by infected people who carry the germs in fluid droplets in their throats, noses or mouths. The infected person coughs the germs into the air. Your child breathes in the germs or comes in direct contact with the infected person’s saliva or mucous by touching something.
Signs and Symptoms
Fast, difficult breathing, High grade fever with shaking chills, Muscle aches, Cough, Chest pains, Loss of appetite, Tiredness, weakness, Nausea or vomiting.
Pneumonia caused by a virus is often less severe than when caused by bacteria. The symptoms usually start out like in flu. They slowly get worse over a period of time. A few caused by bacteria can come on suddenly with a high grade fever, fast breathing and coughing.
Both types of pneumonia can cause the child’s cough to last for weeks after the fever has stopped. Bacterial Pneumonia besides Tender Loving Care (TLC) need treatment with Oral or Intra-venous antibiotics. VIral Pneumonias need Tender Loving Care and lots of Fluids and Supportive measures.
Vaccinations against Flu or Pneumococcal Vaccinations are very effective in preventing Pneumonia.