
Physiotherapy and Fitness Specialist Near Me

Pelvic girdle pain is one of the most commonly experienced pregnancy-related musculoskeletal conditions. It generally occurs because of changes to the posture and increased pelvic pressure due to the weight of the baby. Hormonal changes are also a major influence in causing pelvic girdle pain since they soften the ligaments that support the pelvis.

Physiotherapy during pregnancy also helps to reduce the likelihood of:

  • birth trauma
  • urinary incontinence  during pregnancy and after birth — up to 67% of pregnant women will leak urine (incontinence) when they laugh, sneeze, cough or exercise
  • lower back pain around 50% of pregnant women experience low back pain
  • pelvic floor dysfunction, including incontinence, sexual dysfunction and prolapse
  • birth complications

Our Doctors

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Dr Priyanka Goenka
Chief Nutritionist- specialises in pregnancy, postpartum and child
asdantenatal Physiotherapy p...
Experience 12+ years
Patient 600+


Ante-Natal and Post-Natal exercises- benefit or a FAD!
Regular physical exercise during pregnancy is associated with numerous benefits. In general women are not adequately advised on this matter. Along with their concerns regarding the potential associated risks, it contributes to the abandonment or refusal to start exercising during pregnancy